
°C/2022-11-28 19:38:11更新





Coming to Theaters & Digital September 20In AUGGIE, Felix Greystone (Richard Kind) is forced into early retirement and falls in love with an augmented reality companion, to the detriment of his relationship with his wife and daughter. At his “early retirement” party, Felix Greystone is given a pre-release version of an AUGGIE, a pair of augmented reality smart glasses that project a perfectly human companion onto his world. When Felix’s wife Anne gets a promotion and his daughter Grace gets serious with her boyfriend, Felix suddenly feels very alone. He opens up to his new companion, AUGGIE, and is recognized and appreciated by her. He feels the ache of loneliness dissipate. AUGGIE reawakens a passion in Felix, and to his own surprise, he begins to fall for her. In a world that feels too good to be true, it’s difficult for Felix to recognize his increasing addiction to the technology, losing sight of what truly matters.

9月20日,在奥吉,菲利克斯·格雷斯通(Richard Kind)来到《影院与数码》(Theaters&Digital)影院,被迫提前退休,并爱上了一个增强现实伴侣,损害了他与妻子和女儿的关系。在他的“提前退休”派对上,菲利克斯·格雷斯通得到了一个奥吉的预发行版,一副增强现实智能眼镜,将一个完美的人类伴侣投射到他的世界上。当菲利克斯的妻子安妮得到升职,他的女儿格蕾丝认真对待她的男朋友时,菲利克斯突然感到非常孤独。他向他的新伙伴奥吉敞开心扉,得到了她的认可和赞赏。他感到孤独的痛苦消失了。奥吉重新唤醒了对费利克斯的热情,令他自己吃惊的是,他开始爱上她。在一个感觉太好而不真实的世界里,费利克斯很难意识到他对这项技术越来越上瘾,对真正重要的东西视而不见。

《虚拟情人》是由马特·凯恩导演于2019拍摄完成于美国,主要参演演员有拉丽莎·奥蕾尼克,理查德·坎德,克里斯汀·多伦,苏珊·布莱克威尔等。本作品目前在本站共有 2 条播放线路,由 1 家资源方提供,墨点影视仅对资源链接进行收集归纳,敬请知悉。如果您喜欢墨点影视,还请分享给身边的朋友,小点点十分感谢哟!

