
°C/2023-03-13 07:42:59更新

Martin Villeneuve

Marcel Sabourin André Montmorency Jean Marchand Jacques Languirand Gabriel Gascon



Mars et Avril takes place in a Montreal of the future when humanity is ready to move to Mars. But, not everyone is ready to go. Jacob Obus, a charismatic and beloved septuagenarian, leader of the anti-cybernetic movement, takes pride in slowing down time. He plays captivating music on instruments inspired by women’s bodies and designed by his friend, Arthur. It’s when Jacob and Arthur are smitten by Avril, a young and short-winded photographer, that the true nature of the old sex symbol is revealed. After making love for the first time in his life, Jacob is ready to leave for Mars in search of his muse. In the midst of everything arrives Eugène Spaak, inventor, cosmologist and Arthur’s father, who maintains that Mars is only a chimera.

《火星与艾薇儿》发生在未来的蒙特利尔,当时人类正准备前往火星。但是,并不是每个人都准备好了。雅各布·奥布斯,一位魅力四射,深受爱戴的七旬老人,反控制论运动的领导者,以放慢时间为荣。他用以女性身体为灵感,由他的朋友亚瑟设计的乐器演奏迷人的音乐。当雅各布和亚瑟被艾薇儿,一个年轻而短促的摄影师迷住时,这个古老的性象征的真正本质被揭示了。在他生命中第一次做爱之后,雅各布准备离开火星去寻找他的缪斯女神。在这一切之中,发明家、宇宙学家、亚瑟的父亲尤涅斯帕克(Eugène spak)也来到了这里,他坚持认为火星只是一个幻想。

《三月和四月》是由Martin Villeneuve导演于2011拍摄完成于加拿大,主要参演演员有Marcel Sabourin André Montmorency Jean Marchand Jacques Languirand Gabriel Gascon等。本作品目前在本站共有 8 条播放线路,由 5 家资源方提供,墨点影视仅对资源链接进行收集归纳,敬请知悉。如果您喜欢墨点影视,还请分享给身边的朋友,小点点十分感谢哟!

