
°C/2022-12-01 06:28:07更新


本杰明·维库纳,加斯顿·保尔斯,Francisca Imboden



Pablo Larrain's sleek debut feature, screened at the Montreal World Film Festival earlier this fall, is "a musical opus of death and immortality. Prodigious Eliseo Montalbán (Benjamín Vicuña) composes a symphony based on the notes struck by the lifeless hand of his sister [when she] was murdered atop a piano. But when his female pianist dies during the work's first performance, Eliseo goes mad, destroys his score and retreats into obscurity. Years later, talentless musician Ricardo Coppa (Gastón Pauls) discovers the last remaining pages of Eliseo's symphony and seeks to make a name for himself by recreating it. What results is a cat–and–mouse game through the human psyche and the originality of creation"

帕布罗·拉瑞恩今年秋天早些时候在蒙特利尔世界电影节(Montreal World Film Festival)上映的这部优美的处女作是“一部死亡与不朽的音乐作品。伟大的伊莱索·蒙塔尔班(本雅明·维库尼亚饰)根据妹妹(当她)在钢琴上被谋杀时那只死气沉沉的手发出的音符谱写了一首交响曲。但当他的女钢琴家在作品的第一次演出中去世时,伊莱索发疯了,毁掉了他的乐谱,陷入了默默无闻的境地。几年后,无才华的音乐家里卡多·科帕(Gastón Pauls)发现了艾莉索交响曲的最后几页,并试图通过重新创作来为自己成名。结果是一个猫捉老鼠的游戏通过人类的心理和创造的原创性”

《赋格曲》是由帕布罗·拉雷恩导演于2006拍摄完成于阿根廷/智利,主要参演演员有本杰明·维库纳,加斯顿·保尔斯,Francisca Imboden等。本作品目前在本站共有 2 条播放线路,由 1 家资源方提供,墨点影视仅对资源链接进行收集归纳,敬请知悉。如果您喜欢墨点影视,还请分享给身边的朋友,小点点十分感谢哟!

