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Dash Akol is greatly respected in Shiraz as an honorable man who has lost his family's money through helping his friends. He has an enemy, however, named Kaka Rostam, a mean and spiteful person. Dash Akol, who is in his forties, falls in love with Marjan, daughter of the late Haji Samad, for whose estate he is the executor. But he keeps his love secret. One day a suitor asks for Marjan's hand, and Dash Akol considers it against his code of honor to refuse. On the night of the wedding, Dash Akol hands over responsibility for the family to the bridegroom. As he is leaving the house, however, Kaka Rostam is waiting for him and a fight ensues. Kaka Rostam stabs him in the back, but Dash Akol succeeds in killing him. On his deathbed, Dash Akol sends his parrot to Marjan with the confession of love he has taught it.

达什·阿科尔在设拉子备受尊敬,他是一位因帮助朋友而失去家人钱财的可敬的人。然而,他有一个敌人,名叫卡卡·罗斯坦,是一个刻薄而恶毒的人。达什·阿科尔(Dash Akol)现年40多岁,爱上已故哈吉·萨马德(Haji Samad)的女儿马尔扬(Marjan),他是其遗产的执行人。但他对自己的爱情保密。有一天,一位求婚者向Marjan求婚,Dash Akol认为拒绝是违反他的荣誉准则的。婚礼当晚,达什·阿科尔将家庭责任交给新郎。然而,当他要离开家时,卡卡·罗斯坦正在等着他,随后发生了一场打斗。卡卡·罗斯坦在背后捅了他一刀,但达什·阿科尔成功将他杀死。在弥留之际,达什·阿科尔将他的鹦鹉送给了马尔扬,并向他表白了他教给它的爱。

《达什·阿科尔》是由Masud,Kimiai导演于1971拍摄完成于伊朗,主要参演演员有Behrouz,Vossoughi,Mary,Apick,Manoucher,Ahmadi等。本作品目前在本站共有 2 条播放线路,由 2 家资源方提供,墨点影视仅对资源链接进行收集归纳,敬请知悉。如果您喜欢墨点影视,还请分享给身边的朋友,小点点十分感谢哟!

