

Peter Burger,Danny Mulheron

Dominic Ona-Ariki,乔尔·托贝克,艾莉森·布鲁斯,Michelle Langstone,Phil Brown,Nathalie Morris,Alex Walker,Phoebe McKellar,贾里德·特纳,艾迪·沃克,萨拉·怀斯曼,彼得·麦考利,Hester Ullyart,Arlo Green,Jim Moriarty,迪恩·奥戈曼,马修张伯伦,苏珊·布莱迪,Mark Neilson,Rachel Nash



Ambitious young Māori detective, Ariki Davis (Dominic Ona-Ariki) arrives in Queenstown with high hopes for his future. When local legend Grub Ryder is found dead at the bottom of the infamous One Lane Bridge, Ariki joins the investigation and inadvertently unlocks his Matakite – a supernatural ability akin to second sight that he hasn’t experienced since his youth. Māori metaphysics collides with Southern Man skepticism and Ariki’s spiritual gift threatens to endanger the case, his career and his life.

《单行桥第一季》是由Peter Burger,Danny Mulheron导演于2020拍摄完成于其它,主要参演演员有Dominic Ona-Ariki,乔尔·托贝克,艾莉森·布鲁斯,Michelle Langstone,Phil Brown,Nathalie Morris,Alex Walker,Phoebe McKellar,贾里德·特纳,艾迪·沃克,萨拉·怀斯曼,彼得·麦考利,Hester Ullyart,Arlo Green,Jim Moriarty,迪恩·奥戈曼,马修张伯伦,苏珊·布莱迪,Mark Neilson,Rachel Nash等。本作品目前在本站共有 2 条播放线路,由 1 家资源方提供,墨点影视仅对资源链接进行收集归纳,敬请知悉。如果您喜欢墨点影视,还请分享给身边的朋友,小点点十分感谢哟!

